APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology (ACABT) held a Mini Workshop on Green Energy, Environment and Community Issues at Feng Chia University on 30th of March 2018. This workshop advances the cooperation between Indonesia and Chinese Taipei on Industry, Government and University, even to promote Manado City as a bioenergy, solar energy technical training and educational park.


The theme of the workshop was “Green Energy”, “Environment”, and “Community” and invited Professor Shu-Yii Wu, CEO of APEC-ACABT to give a welcoming address. Associate Professor Chen-Yeon Chu, APEC-ACABT Executive Secretary, and Associate Professor Keng-Tung Wu, Secretary of APEC New and Renewable Energy Technologies Expert Group (APEC EGNRET), served as the moderator of the workshop. Dr. Cynthia Erlita Virgin Wuisang, the Representative of Manado City, Indonesia, mentioned at the workshop that the city of Manado had experienced severe floods and natural disaster damage. Therefore, the city is actively planning the urban landscape and aims to bring Manado City as a Smart City in 2021. Through this workshop, the Manado City will cooperate with Feng Chia University and Chung Hsing University under the framework of APEC-ACABT, to import key technologies of biohythane production in Feng Chia University to supply community energy and solve the issue of agricultural waste; Ruiguang Solar energy Ltd., assists Manado City to establish an Indonesian bioenergy and solar energy technology training and education park. In the future, the USR program at Feng Chia University will also arrange for students to travel to the city to help the community. 


Total 35 participants were involved in this workshop, including Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih Setyawan, Director of Research Facilities at Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI); Dr. Cynthia Erlita Virgin Wuisang, Representative of Manado City, Indonesia; Dr. Widya Fatriasari, Researcher, LIPI Research Center for Biomaterials; Assistant Researcher Jeremy Wei, Representative of the Central Sciences Park Bureau; Assistant Professor Hoang Thanh Van, Geographic Information Systems Research Center, Feng Chia University; Assistant Professor Shen-Shih Chiang, Department of Food Sciences and Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University; Assistant Professor Yi-Yuan Su, Department of Law, National Chung Hsing University, and exchange students from South East Asia, Full time Doctoral Degree students and Assistant Research Fellow, etc. Through this workshop, all departments share their experience in promoting Green Energy Technology, the environment and the community, and encourage mutual exchange between Indonesia and Chinese Taipei. It will also enhance the chance for Chinese Taipei’s industry moving forward to Indonesia.



Photo: APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology (ACABT) held a Mini Workshop on Green Energy, Environment and Community Issues at Feng Chia University on March 30th, with the front rows left from Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih Setyawan, Dr. Widya Fatriasari, Dr. Cynthia Erlita Virgin Wuisang, Prof. Dr. Shu-Yii Wu, Prof. Dr. Chen-Yeon Chu; Prof. Dr. Keng-Tung Wu, Prof. Dr. Yi-Yuan Su.