From August 27 to 30, 2017, APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology (APEC-ACABT) holds the final-pitch of APEC-ACABT YES Challenge at Feng Chia University, Taichung, Chinese Taipei. In the four-day event, the finalist teams attend a technical tour, a workshop and most importantly, the competition.




APEC-ACABT invites young entrepreneurial teams across APEC Economies to join our Human Resources Development-based (HRD-based) competition of social innovation proposal of green economy, for not only tackling climate change and our community problems but also promoting sustainability awareness.


In the first stage, 28 teams from 11 Economies registered. Totally 21 teams submitted their complete preliminary plans and were selected to the semi-pitch. In the semi-pitch, which was a three-month Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) based on an educational Online/Offline (O2O) platform, only 9 teams were selected and invited to come to Chinese Taipei and attend the final pitch of APEC-ACABT YES Challenge.


The 9 finalist teams are “Agriforward” and “Smart Casual” from Chinese Taipei“Green Energy” and “THE SONOPHOTOCATALYSIS TEAM” from China“Ionizer” and “UKM CESPRO” from Malaysia“AA HAND KNITTING”from Peru“Lomonosov MSU” from Russia and “Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU)” from Viet Nam.


All teams tried their best to present the innovative proposals. We are sure they made positive impacts towards their local communities and even the world!


Among the 9 brilliant young entrepreneurial teams, the champion team winning the 1st Place is  “Ionizer”  From Malaysia.




We would like to express our appreciation to every participant including the juries, keynote speakers, finalist teams and all the guests who spend their time with us in this event. Thank you very much for your kind support!