The ABBS 2020 (International Conference on Biohydrogen and Bioprocesses 2020) was organized by APEC-ACABT and Feng Chia University at 18-21 December 2020 in Feng Chia University. Total of 114 presentation papers submitted from 7 APEC member economies including China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, The Philippines, Chinese Taipei and Thailand, and 4 Non-APEC member economies including Belgium, France, Netherlands and Norway.
Photo 1: Group photo of virtual online and physical participants
Due to the COVID-19 pandemics, a special international conference format was used with virtual online (around 60 people) and physical (around 50 people) presentations at the same time. Some presented papers will be selected to submit to the special issues of International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Biofuel Research Journal, Processes, and Materials Science for Energy Technologies. There were 26 students awarded with Champion and Merit presentations.
For the technique tour activity, more than 20 conference-participants visited “Grand Fathers’ Farm” and “Happy Organic-Orange Farm” at Donshi, Taichung.
Photo 2: Grand Fathers’ Farm