APEC ACABT hosted 2019 APEC YES Challenge (including workshop, O2O educational platform and demo site visit) on Green Synergy Development and Applications in Feng Chia University on September 06-08.


On the first day of the workshop, there were almost 100 participants attending to the event. ACABT were also honored to have Prof. Dr. Bing-Jean LEE, President of Feng Chia University and Prof. Dr. Shu-Yii WU, CEO of APEC ACABT to deliver the opening and welcoming remarks.


APEC ACABT invited nine speakers from six APEC member economies to give speeches. They are Prof. Dr. Jun Miyake, from Osaka University, Japan, Prof. Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati, Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI), Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Jin-Seek Choi, Hanyang University, Korea, Asst. Prof. Dr. Yi-Yuan William Su, National Chung Hsing University, Chinese Taipei, Prof. Dr. Mei-Chih Hu, National Tsing Hua University, Chinese Taipei, Dr. Yeit-Haan Teow, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, Dr. Worajit Setthapun, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand, Dr. Peer Mohamed, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia and Dr. Dip. Ing. Muhammad Abdul Kholiq, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia. They exchanged their experiences on bio-energy and sustainable renewable energy by delivering speeches, sharing current information, and providing comments during the event.



Photo 1. All the participants took photo together for the precious moment. The fifth one from the left is the President of Feng Chia University, Prof. Dr. Bing-Jean LEE and sixth from the left is the CEO of APEC ACABT, Prof. Dr. Shu-Yii WU.


On September 07, it was the final presentation of training program. During April to August, there were 18 teams for the online preliminary and semi-final round. Among these 18 teams, the juries selected 8 teams through their project proposal, interaction and group discussion.The best top 8 teams entered to the final pitch. Finally, the team from Malaysia called Brecon won the first prize. The Second Place are Team Biorefinery HUST from Viet Nam and Team ChEIF from Indonesia. The third place are Team Eleventh Hour from Malaysia, Team Lomonosoc MSU from Russia and Team Dust Hero from Thailand. Best Effort Award is Team Hydrogen World from Chinese Taipei. Also, there is a jury special award for Team Lomonosov MSU from Russia.



Photo 2. A presenter from Team Lomonosov MSU (Russia) is presenting their project proposal.



Photo 3. The first place winner from Team Brecon (Malaysia) took photo together with the CEO of APEC ACABT, Prof. Dr. Shu-Yii Wu.


Meanwhile, APEC ACABT conducted an award called 2019 Cross-economy Innovation Award with theme “Green Sustainability Growth”, the participants from finalist team of 2019 APEC YES Challenge to organize a new team with member from different economy. Each team will have at least 2 member economies. Total 4 teams join the award, there are Team MACINTHA (members from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand), Team AGRIOZAM (members from Thailand, Russia, Malaysia), Team Aquoponics (members from Viet Nam, Chinese Taipei, Malaysia) and Team Watt a Waste (members from Malaysia, Thailand). Finally won by Team AGRIOZAM (members from Thailand, Russia, Malaysia).



Photo 4. The 2019 Cross-economy Innovation Award winner from Team AGRIOZAM (members from Thailand, Russia, Malaysia) took photo together with the Chair of APEC ACABT Indonesia Branch Center, Prof. Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati.



Photo 5.  All the winner took a photo together with the juries and experts at the award ceremony night.


On the third day, all the participants headed to Shigang Dam, Dongshi Community Hakka Culture Park and Gaomei Wetland for the demo site visit.



Photo 6. All the participants took photo together for the precious moment at Shigang Dam.



Photo 7. All the participants took photo together for the precious moment at Dongshi Community Hakka Culture Park.



Photo 8. All the participants took photo together for the precious moment at Gaomei Wetland.